Nagisa Oshima
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Festivals / Awards

Chicago Film Festival, Grand Prize
London, Best Film of the year

Original title : Aio no Korida
Extras: "Once upon a time… In the ralm of senses" - 52' | “The making of the film” – 38’
Drama | 1976 | 102’
Director: Nagisa Oshima
Countries of production : France - Japan
Cast: Tatsuya Fuji - Eiko Matsuda - Aoi Nakajima
Image 1.66 - Mono - Color - Japanese language - 4K restoration

Based on a true story set in pre-war Japan. The geisha Sada and her lover have a torrid affair. Passion is absolute. Their desire becomes a sexual obsession so strong that they forsake all, even life itself. They dive ever deeper into an erotic universe of their own construction.
Although the scandal has abated, Oshima’s poetry and refined direction are still hailed worldwide.

Other credits
  • Production: Argos Films - Oshima Productions
  • Coproduction: -
  • Script writers: Kôji Wakamatsu - Nagisa Oshima
  • Photo: Hideo Itô
  • Music: Minoru Miki